Fashion women clothes

Fashion and Islam

Previously, Christianity dominated in Russia and European countries, but time does not stand still, everything changes. In Russia, after the fall of Soviet power, Orthodoxy was revived. The church returned to itself churches, monasteries with lands and other objects. True, it has not yet been possible to restore influence over the souls and minds of people. In Europe, no one oppressed the Christian church, just the majority of Europeans outgrew the need for religion, or rather, they think so that they no longer need it.

As a result, both in Russia and in Europe, we see an increase in the number of the population professing Islam. One can argue a lot on this topic, give arguments for and against, one can predict impending shocks, or vice versa, see everything in a rainbow color. in this publication does not pretend to open the future of Russia and Europe, we just want to propose to look at some of the images of traditional Islamic fashion.

There are more Muslims, the influence of Islam is growing, which means that every year we will see more and more Islamic clothing on the streets of European cities.

Girls and Islam, photo

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev warns Russians about the invasion of Islam on the streets of our cities. Strange, why should he be afraid? In any case, he does not believe in God, and if you look from the position of fashion, it will only benefit from the strengthening of Islam.

It is a mistake to imagine an Islamic woman dressed exclusively in shabby black attire. In fact, in Islam, and in Christianity, they love black, but black was loved and loved in the fashion industry itself, which is not tied to religions.

Girls and Islam, photo

Islamic women are different, there are those who really wrap themselves in wretched black clothes, do not have a decent education and upbringing. Only all this stems from the poverty in which they had to be born and raised. Islamic women who grew up in middle-income families or from wealthy families love fashion, love to dress beautifully, gladly visit beauty salons and enjoy working on their beauty.

Islamic fashion, photo

With regards to traditional Islamic clothing and fashion, it has always been richer, brighter and more luxurious than European, therefore, from the invasion of trends from the Islamic world, fashion will only benefit and we just have to rejoice. Although in any case, as mentioned above, fashion and beautiful luxurious clothes will never be available to everyone.

Islamic fashion images, photo
Oriental girl, islam fashion, photo
Oriental girl, islam fashion, photo
Oriental girl, islam fashion, photo
Oriental girl, islam fashion, photo
Muslim headscarf and glasses, photo
Islamic fashion images, photo
Muslim headscarf and glasses, photo

Islamic fashion images, photo
Islamic fashion, photo
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