Funny wedding dresses
Wedding looks and dresses in general can be funny in different ways. Most often, there are ridiculous examples when the bride thinks that she looks like a queen, but in fact her image causes pity and ridicule. The second option is when the bride thought over her image to the smallest detail and deliberately chose a dress that makes the image cheerful, playful and ironic.
Everything seems simple, but in fact, we cannot control the perception of our dress by everyone around us. Therefore, choosing a funny wedding dress is not an easy task. A rare bride wants to turn her wedding into a circus, and herself into a clown. Almost everyone attaches great importance to what people have to say, it is for this reason that brides rarely choose funny dresses.
All publications on the Internet on the topic of funny brides boil down to how stupid and talentless she is, that she chose this terrible dress. This approach is entertaining for ordinary people who just want to laugh and kill time online. offers a different look at funny dresses, we will try to find original solutions for brave brides, free from fears and complexes.
If you want to add a little sophisticated irony to your wedding look, you will have to try very hard. It is better to start long before the wedding, maybe even before you find your betrothed. Develop a sense of style and understanding of beauty through the history of fashion, art and design in all its forms. Perhaps then everything will turn out in the best possible way without the help of stylists.
Although it's easier not to strain too much, but to go a different way. What difference does it make what people think? A funny, funny dress will help demonstrate that the bride is indifferent.
wedding traditions and the opinion of the townsfolk. The main thing is to be self-confident and create a mood that matches the wedding dress, otherwise you will look pathetic and become a laughing stock.
Ideas for fun wedding looks
We all have our favorite heroes and characters, whose images inspire us. If you love fairy tales, science fiction or fantasy, you probably have a few heroines in mind. The easiest way is to copy their image. But it's better to create your own heroine. Think about what you would like to be, what qualities you have and try to translate all this into a wedding image.
Cutting elements, details and decor can make a dress cheerful and funny. For example, large bows, an abundance of fabric flowers turn the dress into an outfit of an elven princess or nymph. Sometimes it is enough to put 2-3 realistic butterflies on a dress to make it cute and funny.
Military wedding dress
The military style has not given up its positions for many years and will not lose its popularity in the near future. Designers actively combine a military theme with femininity and romance. In the collections there are dresses with a fluffy skirt made of camouflage print fabric. But finding such a wedding dress on sale is a difficult task.
If you cannot buy a ready-made outfit, it remains to order. We combine a camouflage print with lace, gold buttons and other decor that will harmonize in color and at the same time remind us that we are not a soldier from the battlefield, but a bride.
Fairy princess dress
A fabulous dress for a princess may look extraordinarily luxurious and sophisticated, but the very fact that the bride has tried on herself the image of a princess from a fairy tale makes the image funny. You can take the dresses of Disney princesses or other fabulous aristocrats as a basis, and you already have a funny wedding dress ready, which is cute and not at all vulgar.
Choosing an unusual dress for a bride always carries a considerable risk, yet a wedding is an important event. But choosing a standard white dress, like everyone else, is also not the best way out.Modern fashion is constantly broadcasting about individuality, and we follow general trends and merge with the crowd of other brides.
Unusual wedding accessories
The way out of the army of standard brides can be found with the help of extraordinary accessories. Buy a simple bridal gown that fits perfectly to your figure, and create originality with jewelry and accessories. What to buy? The choice is really huge, and depends on our capabilities and imagination.
The simplest thing is to make your image unusual and funny - a massive necklace and a real crown 15-20 centimeters high, no less! Whether it will be beautiful and fun at the same time depends on many factors. Don't forget about makeup, manicure, belt, veil. Remember the history of wedding fashion, look at examples, maybe it is the extraordinary veil that will make the image funny and chic at the same time.
In addition, you can make your wedding more fun with the help of an unusual interior design, unique souvenirs that will be on the tables. We also send out original invitations to the holiday, use trained pets, new technologies and invite fairy-tale characters from a theater or a quest.
Can be worn
wedding dress victorian with a high collar and long sleeves, but come up with such a festive program that everyone will have fun, and the bride will be an exceptional source of radiance and positiveness. This is much more interesting than wearing so-called "naked dresses" or unrealistically revealing outfits. Over the past decades, brides have chosen the most seductive garments so many times that it already looks primitive.