Recently, I was told that your love for purple is a clear sign of sexual dissatisfaction, but I had a ready answer in defense of the purple dress. Purple is a very multifaceted color, it has many meanings and meanings, and even more shades. Lilac, lavender, lilac, violet are not the main colors, but shades of purple.
Many beautiful plants give us their purple flowers, and we shouldn't forget the mysterious and parallel worlds. Purple is considered the most mystical and mysterious color, in addition to spirituality, it also personifies intelligence. Therefore, when buying a new dress in purple shades, do not be afraid of jokes in style - this is the color of sexual dissatisfaction. Just read the publications there will always be an answer that will embellish and exalt your choice.
Now, let's take a look at some of the purple, lilac and lavender dresses from the Spring / Summer 2024 collections.
Lavender color is obtained by mixing purple with white, thereby mixing semantic meanings, white symbolizes purity and spirituality, making lavender dresses perfect for girls with a rich inner world, dreamers and creative girls.
In the Monique Lhuillier collection, we can see dresses where purple is even more diluted with white, and flowers and sparkling elements are added as decor. These luxurious dresses will be the perfect choice for the most significant and exciting events.
Lilac dresses have a softer shade of purple, which is formed by mixing reds and blues. Sometimes lilac, together with mystical experiences, evokes a little sad associations, but in any case, the lilac dress looks very elegant.
Purple is my favorite color, but I warn you, it is difficult and is considered capricious and cunning, because it is not at all easy to create successful images with purple. Therefore, buying purple dresses should be very thoughtful and careful. If you already have a dress in this wonderful color, you can complement it with an amethyst necklace, ring and amethyst earrings.
But not only purple dresses can be combined with amethysts, they go well with shades of green, jade, emerald ...
How to choose your shade
For girls with chestnut and reddish shades of hair, and greenish, gray-green or hazel eyes, dresses in shades of ripe plum, violet-red, lilac-red are suitable.
For bright brunettes with brown eyes, dresses of deep shades are recommended, in other words, bright purple.
And for blondes with pale skin, blue and gray eyes, it is better to buy lavender, lilac and violet dresses.
All shades of purple - amethyst, lilac, violet, lavender, lilac, refer to cold, peaceful shades. Dresses of such shades will be a wonderful outfit for special events and just meetings where it is not planned incendiary dances and all-consuming fun, because this is not strongly compatible with such characteristics of violet as mystery, spirituality, intellectuality and higher knowledge.