Dolls and baby clothes

Armchairs in the Gothic style for BJD dolls

If a man collects a collection of edged weapons - this is considered a serious hobby, and if a woman collects a collection of dolls, she is treated with derision. But in fact, beautiful BJD dolls can decorate our interior and life no worse than Meissen porcelain, especially if you replenish the dolls wardrobe with luxurious dresses or give your favorites chairs and royal thrones.

Many people try to make a chair for a doll with their own hands, but it will not work right away to achieve good results. It is much better to buy ready-made chairs and arrange a separate corner in a certain style. Remember the Rococo, Baroque and Gothic styles, each of these styles has its own beauty and luxury. loves everything beautiful and luxurious - from jewelry to interiors and houses, but most of all I like the Gothic style in its various manifestations. Unfortunately, the lifestyle doesn't allow you to build a gothic castle and wear a long black and purple dress with a corset. Only this is not a reason for sadness. You can embody all creative ideas in BJD dolls. They will gladly pose in luxurious dresses and live in gothic interiors.

Armchairs in the Gothic style for BJD dolls

Dolls became the guides of fashion several centuries ago. In those ancient times, there was no Internet with an abundance of fashion sites and there were not even paper glossy magazines, so dolls played an important role in spreading fashion trends. Today, fashion is spreading through all modern technologies and this is reflected in dolls.

Many designers consider it an honor to sew dresses and other outfits for Barbie. BJD dolls are not as widespread as Barbie, therefore, today we cannot purchase clothes for them from well-known brands. But this is the special charm of BJD dolls, they have to be dressed individually. Therefore, BJD dolls are a kind of elite in the doll world, and if you are carried away by them, you should not save on buying beautiful doll furniture.

Chairs for BJD dolls are even in themselves an interior decoration and can decorate your home no worse than crystal, porcelain and a silver jug. Check out my recent purchases - two Gothic style throne from Takumi BJD workshop. The chairs are made of 6 and 4 mm plywood according to the author's patterns, impregnated with three layers of waterproof stain and covered with 2 layers of varnish.

The chairs are very high quality and beautiful, and also very comfortable. Sitting in such an armchair, your favorite doll will feel like a real princess or queen, and you will have to prepare for the next purchase. You will need to order a crown for the doll, because queens and princesses are supposed to wear crowns.

Luxurious armchairs for BJD dolls
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Luxurious armchairs for BJD dolls

Armchairs in the Gothic style for BJD dolls
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