
Removal of scars and scars on the face and body

Scar removal until recently seemed to be an unrealizable dream of many girls and women, but thanks to modern technology, these procedures have become generally available. Today will tell a story from personal experience about the removal of scars with a laser and folk remedies.

Scars and scars can occur for a variety of reasons, but whatever the cause, they ruin your appearance. Skin scarring is a natural process that repairs damaged skin. At the site of injury, the skin is replaced by strong connective fibers, the structure of which is different, so the scar is often pale and hard.

Sometimes scars are invisible and we don't think about them, but often scars bring significant inconvenience - from cosmetic to physical. However, modern plastic surgery offers proven techniques for removing scars and scars using a laser.

Laser scar removal

There are several types of lasers and scar removal techniques. The most advanced lasers completely replace the connective fibers of the scar with healthy skin. Under the influence of the laser, the scar tissue begins to disintegrate, and new healthy skin is gradually formed in its place. After the first procedure, the scar becomes less noticeable, and after a course of procedures, the scar completely disappears.

Today, these procedures can be called generally available, because they are quite inexpensive. In addition, immediately after the procedure, you can lead a familiar lifestyle and almost do not limit yourself in anything. But not all lasers are created equal. We will not go into the technical features of lasers, I will only say one thing - some procedures are quite painful and take time to recover.

In some cases, the healing time after the laser can take from two weeks to one and a half months. During this time, you can not sunbathe and do peeling. And you will also have to use additional means for skin regeneration and minimize the impact of the external environment on the skin. Simply put, you have to take great care of yourself and completely avoid the sun.

Therefore, before choosing a clinic and going to the procedures, familiarize yourself with the equipment, ask them to visually show the results of their work, and only after that start removing scars with a laser. If you make the right choice, there will be no scars left.

Removal of scars and scars on the face and body

Folk remedies for removing scars and scars

Few people enjoy visiting the clinic, even if it is a beauty clinic and plastic surgery... Therefore, I want to believe and hope in folk remedies for removing scars that we can use at home. Such remedies are available, but they do not work as quickly and most likely will not cope with large scars.

From my own experience, I know that with the help of folk remedies, you can remove a small scar, but in time it can take about a year. An unpleasant story happened to me at school. For my beauty, the girls did not like me, they promised to cut my face with a razor, but the matter did not go beyond words.

Then we ran into an unfortunate situation. One grabbed me and the other said she would put out the cigarette on my face. I covered my face with my hands, and she stubbed out the cigarette on the back of her hand. Naturally they were punished, but the burn was serious, because she literally screwed a cigarette into my hand. The burn left a scar the size of a small coin.

At home, scars can be gradually smoothed out with a variety of masks, peels, massage, essential oils, and more. I went the following way:

1. Lemon. Cut off a slice of lemon and apply it to the scar. You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice and a cotton pad, or you can rub lemon into your skin.

2. Tomato. A small tomato slice or freshly squeezed tomato juice also has a slow but beneficial effect and gradually smooths out the scar, so that after a while the damaged skin areas merge with the normal part of the skin.

3. Hand cream it is necessary to rub it into the scar, thereby carrying out a small massage of the damaged area.

All of the above rubbing must be introduced into the habit and done daily, only then they will bring results. How long will it take? In my case, a year passed, only after that the hand was like new. The whole year I protected my hands from the sun, although for me personally this did not become a problem, because I generally avoid the sun and never sunbathe. But in any case, my method is not the fastest and is suitable for very few people.

In addition to my methods, there are truly a great many masks, infusions and complex procedures based on natural remedies that promise to remove scars. It is believed that rubbing in honey is great for fighting scars, and ordinary onions are also a good remedy.

How quickly and effectively they help me is unknown, because everyone has different skin, different scars and a completely different reserve of patience. Not everyone will be able to do masks for months, most people want quick results with minimal participation on their part. In this case, so far there is nothing more effective than laser scar removal in a good clinic.

Laser scar removal
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