How are fashion shows

Many of us have repeatedly been to fashion shows, someone took part in the organization, but as my intuition tells me, it will be very interesting for most readers of the Magazine to look again, the whole process of organizing a fashion show from the very beginning.

How are fashion shows

How are fashion shows for Magazine

How are fashion shows

How are fashion shows

How are fashion shows

Designer Elvina, before the show, decides in what order to distribute the sequence of exits in order to present the entire collection in the best possible light.

All chairs should be in a straight line.

Trial exit has no visitors yet.

How are fashion shows

And these are stocks of shoes for girls, sizes from 39 to 41 inclusive, there is never less.

How are fashion shows

How are fashion shows

Main model in size 70.

Preparations are in full swing, in this case, the clothes are steamed.

The designer with models distributes the sequence of outputs, divides accessories and jewelry.

How are fashion shows

They memorize the sequence of exits, who is following whom and in what.

How are fashion shows

A camera installed in the hall is connected to the laptop and thanks to this, the models plan their exit in advance.

The guests fill the hall, look through the catalogs with the collection.

The first exit, makes the model of the 70th size Galina.

How are fashion shows

Model Oksana has a size 56.

Model Anastasia, size 52.

How are fashion shows
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How are fashion shows

The duration of the fashion show is 50 minutes, during which time different models manage to make from 5 to 10 exits.

How are fashion shows

How are fashion shows

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