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We buy an evening dress for the New Year 2024

When there is very little time left before the holiday, it is too late to order a dress in stores in Europe and the popular aliexpress. Now it is best to buy an evening dress in local malls or Russian online stores. For example, in the salon of evening and party dresses - Love Forever. Here are all the dresses that reflect the desires of the majority of Russian girls and women.

dress for new year 2024

What dress to choose for the New Year 2024

Any elegant dress that fits well to the figure and makes you more beautiful is suitable for celebrating the New Year. Therefore, you can put on your favorite evening dress from the dressing room or locker, where it has been stored for several years. Only the New Year is always a renewal and expectation of changes, which means that it is better to buy a new evening dress, it will breathe energy and novelty into your image.

You should not be greedy and spare money, in the life of the majority there are not so many bright events comparable to the New Year's holidays. New Year's celebrations happen once a year, during the holidays we celebrate the holiday several times. It all starts in the past year with New Year's corporate parties, then it will be continued in the circle of girlfriends, then the holiday itself at home with family, in a restaurant or a club, then again going to visit on Christmas, and in Russia there is also an old New Year, it is pleasant to meet it at restaurant.

Therefore, buy the most expensive dress you can afford, because a dress is a better buy than a smartphone. Why do many people spare no money for a smartphone and even take it out on credit, but regret spending 10,000 - 15,000 rubles on a dress? A smartphone in a couple of years will turn into trash and will be sold for a penny or even end up in a trash can, and the dress, with careful handling, will wait for more and more new festive events.

dress for new year 2024
dress for new year 2024

For the New Year 2024, the best choice would be a yellow evening dress with minimal decor... According to the Chinese calendar, 2024 is under the influence of the yellow dog. This devoted animal does not like excesses and excesses. Therefore, the best decor for a New Year's dress will be an expensive fabric and a beautiful cut, and the main decoration is the mistress of the dress.

If you cannot imagine the New Year's celebration without glitter and sparkle, buy a golden dress made of fabrics like lamé or golden jacquard, or maybe brocade with gold threads. A dress made of gold brocade will be an excellent choice for those who want to combine the main New Year's trend according to the Chinese calendar and the traditional luxury of the costume of the Russian aristocracy in their image.

Gold dress 2024

Do you see no reason for such an open display of luxury and wealth? Buy a black dress... Black dresses are always in fashion, time has no power over them and they are appropriate in different life situations. A beautiful black dress is a good outfit for the New 2024, and then this dress will come in handy for a wide variety of outings. Therefore, by buying a black dress, you are making a really practical bargain, which in fact can be called an investment in your own future.

Black cocktail dress
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