Expenses for gifts and entertainment in the New Year

If in Europe and the USA the Christmas holidays begin before the New Year, then in Russia after the New Year. We have two Christmas - first Catholic, then our true Orthodox. And we also have two New Years, a calendar and an old New Year. In general, there are more than enough holidays, you can relax, have fun, visit, visit the best restaurants and go on a short trip wherever your heart desires. Everything depends on your financial capabilities. How much to spend on New Year, gifts and entertainment?

I cannot give universal advice, with all my desire, since is read by thousands of different people with different worldviews and wealth. Somebody will celebrate the New Year on his own yacht in warm seas, and most of them at home. Therefore, I will give advice only for those people who celebrate the New Year at home.

I had to celebrate the New Year many times, and in different environments. At the same time, I often see one and the same picture that is characteristic of Russians - to buy a lot of products, to fill the refrigerator. And on the 30th-31st, prepare an incredible amount of different dishes, hot and cold, salads and all sorts of snacks. The question is, why is all this necessary? To set a beautiful table?

Most often, the table does not work out beautifully, and everything cannot fit on it. Additional dishes are put on the serving table, then late at night everything goes to the refrigerator and there is waiting for tomorrow. On January 1, people wake up late and not everyone is hungry. Men are drawn to mugs, glasses and glasses of alcoholic beverages, as a result, a lot of products are lost and thrown away. Why such waste and disrespect for your work?

How much to spend on the new year

It is much better to do more rationally - to cook exactly as many dishes as you can eat on the evening of the 31st and the day of the 1st. In the afternoon of the 2nd, it is better to go to a restaurant and have breakfast there for lunch.

Thanks to this approach, I spend very little for the New Year holidays and can spend the saved money on new things, for example, on clothes or to buy something for the house.

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