Fashionable accessories

Brooch as a decoration - vintage brooches + photo

More recently, girls have eschewed jewelry such as a brooch. Only a very confident girl, independent of public opinion, or a girl with an unusual inner world, a creative girl, could afford to wear a brooch. And this is not surprising, because in the minds of the majority, an unreasonable stereotype has formed that a brooch as an adornment is suitable only for grandmothers and asocial old maids.

Vintage brooch, flower photo

In recent years, Russia has been rapidly changing for the better, now brooches are becoming more and more popular. Now it has become very important to use unusual, exclusive, colorful accessories. Therefore, if you are thinking about creating an individual image that will attract the attention of others, if you want to stand out from the crowd, then brooches, and especially vintage brooches, can be an excellent tool for you.

Vintage brooch - photo

Why do I focus on vintage brooches? This is a long story, and I will write a separate publication about it. Here I can only say one thing - vintage brooches can be bought at online auctions from all over the world and they are often cheaper than brooches offered by modern designers. Plus, a vintage brooch gives you a touch of history and culture. How and where to buy vintage brooches, more on that later, now let's look at the photo and think about where and how you can wear a brooch.

Vintage brooch, horse, photo

Vintage brooch as a decoration for a modern girl
Even if you have a strict style of clothing in your office or school, then in this case you can easily choose an unusual vintage brooch and wear it. You can choose jewelry of any color and size, the main thing is that it matches your outer image and inner world, and also emphasizes your individuality.

Brooch with red stones, photo
Brooch with red stones, photo

Brooches in red will be in perfect harmony with a dark or gray suit, or a strict blouse. They can also be worn with light-colored outfits. Adding a brooch to a suit is a way to highlight your self-confidence, determination, ability to take responsible and courageous actions. Vintage brooches of heavenly color will complement your look with calmness and mystery, and will create an impression of peace. Brooches in white and silver color will reward the wearer with ease. They are perfect for outfits of any color and style. Brooches in green or yellow shades can update your look, help you become brighter and more extravagant.

Brooch with green stones, photo
brooch bug photo

The best way to use vintage brooches is to pair them with evening dresses. So, if you are planning a visit to the theater or a romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant, then the brooch will be the perfect solution.

If you are a sensual and passionate girl, and want to emphasize this, then collect vintage brooches in red. This brooch can be worn to the neckline - in this case, it will look great.

It is very fashionable these days to wear brooches, which are made in the form of a beautiful flower made of fabric. These brooches will create a unique and unusual romantic look. With the help of a brooch, you can always decorate your look. And also, you can make such a brooch yourself. Check out publications on fabric colors, how to make flowers from fabric with your own hands... If you can make a flower from fabric, turning it into a brooch will be an elementary affair. By the way, making flowers from fabric, simple needlework and with due diligence, in 5-6 months you will achieve high skill.

Also, a vintage brooch can be used as a clasp to help cover the deep neckline. With its help, you can successfully fix a shawl, as well as add charm to a suit, dress or blouse.

When buying a vintage brooch, trust your senses and choose without looking back at the proposals of modern designers. Focus on your taste and style, in this case you can never go wrong.

Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo

Beautiful and original vintage brooches in the photo

Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Vintage brooch - photo
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Beautiful Jewelry - Brooch
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Vintage jewelry, brooch photo
Decoration Bird photo
Photo of a vintage brooch
Photo of a vintage brooch
Photo of a vintage brooch
Photo of a vintage brooch
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl
Vintage brooch for a modern girl

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How to wear a brooch - the options offered by the Fashion Sentence program.

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