Fashion Jewelry
Prom jewelry - necklace and earrings
Have you already bought a luxurious evening dress for your prom at school, but can't decide on the jewelry? See what jewelry we have chosen for you for your prom ...
What earrings are in fashion in 2024
In the 2024 fashion season, large and even giant earrings are becoming especially popular. Fashion media around the world recommend buying and wearing massive earrings. decided to choose the best jewelry from famous brands ...
The beauty of space and meteorites in jewelry
The fashion industry is actively adopting new technologies and inviting us to touch the future. And if you love space and want to get closer to it, buy a piece of meteorite metal ...
How to choose jewelry for the prom
Every girl dreams of wearing a necklace with real diamonds and becoming the queen of the ball. Only for the majority, such a dream will remain unrealizable. Only a few girls will be allowed by their parents to get such a piece of jewelry out of a box or rent it. And for us
25 purple jewelry for 2024
Violet is a very expressive color, alluring and the most mysterious. But at the same time, purple is not easy to use. Therefore, a rare girl decides to buy a fashionable purple dress. suggests starting with jewelry and bijouterie ...
Jewelry and bijouterie 2024 - fashion trends
Massive necklaces and choker, as well as long earrings adorn the models not for the first season. Designers experiment with asymmetry, combine earrings of different designs in one set and use new materials and trends ...
Cat's eye stone - medicinal properties and jewelry
Recently, the "Cat's Eye" type manicure has been popular, but today we will talk about the stone. Its mysterious glassy shine and a narrow vertical strip along the entire length of the stone is very reminiscent of a cat's eye glowing in the night ...
Crown ring - how to choose and buy
Regular readers have noticed's love for crowns and tiaras. Only the royal jewelry does not have to be worn on the head, you can decorate yourself with a ring in the form of a crown. This jewelry is a great alternative to regular wedding rings on
Dolce & Gabbana Crowns & Headbands
Aren't you tired of celebrating the New Year and other holidays like all people? Maybe it's time to change something? A crown, a luxurious headband or tiara will help make a real transformation. You can buy time-tested accessories Dolce &
What decorations to wear on Halloween
Meaning Halloween decorations, many people want to find original ideas for all kinds of DIY crafts that can be used to decorate a room for this gloomy holiday. But today we will talk about jewelry and bijouterie for our image ...
Why black carbon and ceramic rings are popular today
The combination of different materials and textures does not leave fashion trends. This is reflected in clothing, accessories and jewelry. Connoisseurs of beauty have long been dissatisfied with jewelry made exclusively from gold, platinum and silver. Ceramics, carbon and others
Why you urgently need to buy jewelry with a charoite stone
In fact, why should you buy a bracelet or beads, or maybe a pendant with a charoite stone? Everything is very simple - this stone is extremely rare and at the same time very beautiful. Perhaps very soon the deposit will be depleted and charoite will disappear from the gem market ...
Garnet-almandine stone - decorations and properties
Today we will get jewelry with almandine garnet from our box and get to know it better.Unlike plastic and other new materials, stones have served as decorations for thousands of years, and besides, each stone has certain properties.
Earrings 2024-2025 - luxurious and stylish models
Many girls do not attach importance to fashion trends in jewelry. This is a serious omission, because the ability to choose earrings from current collections plays an important role in creating a fashionable look. Today we will see jewelry from new collections
Why is a men's bracelet made of stones better than a leather one
Modern fashion trends are changing men's jewelry and men. Most stylish men and guys today won't wear a gold bracelet. The place of gold bracelets was taken by leather bracelets with silver or steel fittings, and they are also gaining
Who is suitable for moonstone jewelry
Silver rings and other jewelry with a moonstone attract with their unearthly beauty. Sometimes it seems that the moonstone in the full moon shines brighter together with the moon. Therefore, a wonderful stone that has long attracted the attention of people, many believed in it
What are Congo earrings and how best to wear them
In current collections, you can see a lot of different jewelry, including Congo earrings made of gold, silver and simply affordable jewelry. Some models seem large and heavy, but the Congo earrings are hollow, making them
Pyrope garnet - fire stone
Red garnets belong to a group that includes pyrope, almandine and spessartine. The most beautiful pomegranate is considered - pyrope, which is also called Czech garnet ...


