We moisturize the skin competently depending on the age
Do you moisturize your skin properly? To maintain radiant skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible, you need to follow the rules of hydration, which depend on age and ...
How to look 25 at 40: tips from supermodels
Everyone wants to look younger than their age and preserve their beauty as long as possible. Now on the Internet there are many examples of women and men who look 15-20 years younger ...
Top 5 fatal mistakes in aging skin care
With age, you have to make more efforts to care for everything, and for the skin in the first place! Every year the skin loses its original properties, and in order to maintain its elasticity, smoothness and radiance longer, women use all the means that often
Eye patches: what are there and how to use
The eyes and the skin around the eyes can add age and, conversely, make you look younger. Take a photo and smooth out the skin around the eyes in Photoshop, you immediately look 10-15 years younger! In reality, everything is not so simple, you have to use all available
How to choose a face cream for women after 40 years
Every woman wants to help her skin keep fresh and youthful for as long as possible. But after 40 years, looking younger becomes more and more difficult. Many people lose faith in cosmetics. offers its review of creams that
The main rules for the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté
The skin of the neck and décolleté needs care even more than the skin of the face, but most women seem to forget about these areas and, as a result, they begin to age and age, despite all our efforts to take care of the face ...
Top 3 Home Alternatives to Salon Beauty Treatments
If you get into the habit of home beauty treatments and do them regularly, they can be even more beneficial than occasional visits to beauty salons. Today offers three home alternatives to consider ...
Effective remedies for leg swelling and fatigue
In the warm season, our legs are always in sight, so we want them to look perfect. But only healthy legs, devoid of edema, can be beautiful. Today we will understand the common causes of edema and consider effective remedies for
Onion peels: beneficial properties for beauty and health
Recently, many have been forced to abandon expensive cosmetics and effective dietary supplements. offers affordable products that sometimes even outperform ...
How does coffee affect beauty and are caffeinated cosmetics effective?
Coffee is the most popular drink in Russia, so it is important to know everything about its properties. How does caffeine affect skin, hair and overall health? offers detailed research from doctors and scientists ...
Steam face cream: what can and who is suitable
Moisturizing Steam Facial Cream effectively moisturizes and softens dry skin. The cream also helps to eliminate flaking and smooth out wrinkles that appear on dehydrated skin, creates a protective barrier against the negative effects of the environment ...
Facial boosters: how to choose and use
Recently we have endured many trials, all this is reflected on the face. In such a situation, a tool for a quick transformation is required. The beauty industry offers a booster. Even its name comes from the English word boost, which is translated as
All about the benefits of hydrolates for facial care
If you love everything natural, be sure to replenish your collection of skin care cosmetics with gadrolates. These are useful and multifunctional products that help to care for the skin ...
Most Effective Ingredients in Cosmetics: Niacinamide
Today we will continue to study the ingredients that make up the best cosmetics, from which we expect that help in maintaining health, and therefore beauty of the skin, will come immediately. There are many such ingredients, and one among them….
What you need to know about anti-age cosmetics against premature aging
We are all unequal by birth, so we look different and notice age-related changes at different times. Someone, even without a healthy lifestyle, can maintain beauty and freshness for many years, while others may need support as early as 25-27 years old.
8 scientific ways to prolong youth and beauty
Every woman and many men dream of prolonging youth, but few people manage to achieve anything in this struggle. will tell you how to maximize youthfulness and preserve beauty using real ways that work
An effective technique for getting rid of scars and scars
The beauty industry offers many treatments and treatments to get rid of scars and scars. The performance and cost are very different, as are our scars. Today I will share my experience of dealing with scars after a very common operation. Whole course
Which tattoos will not lose their relevance for many years
Unlike a print on fabric, a tattoo cannot be changed so easily. Therefore, if you really want to apply a tattoo, you need to approach the choice as responsibly as possible. It is especially important that the tattoo reflects your values ​​and at the same time looks fashionable and stylish ...


