The use of fir oil in cosmetology
The methods of using fir oil in cosmetology are very diverse, because this oil helps to reduce inflammatory processes on the skin, therefore it is actively used for acne and other inflammatory processes.
How much sleep for beauty and health
When asked how to keep her youth longer, the famous top model of the 80s, Ines de la Fressange, said clearly and simply - a good dream. Healthy and deep sleep relieves fatigue, during sleep, the work of all internal organs is normalized in the body,
Milk and dairy products in cosmetology
Many girls read about the miraculous rejuvenating procedures of Queen Cleopatra, who took milk baths. Perhaps this is just a beautiful legend, but milk really has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving it of dryness, irritation and
First tattoo - how to decorate your body is still a staunch opponent of tattoos, but they get tattoos despite all kinds of economic crises and financial difficulties. Therefore, I would like to give some advice to those who decide to get their first tattoo.
Lifting masks at home
Many women find homemade masks to be less effective. And completely in vain. Masks are the most common procedures for facial skin care at home ...
Muscle relaxation technique for facial beauty
Over time, we age, metabolic processes slow down, the skin loses its elasticity and sags, the rate of regeneration of cells, skin and the body as a whole decreases. Are there any ways, besides plastic surgery, to return, even if not your 20 years, but at least to look younger?
Simple rules for maintaining skin elasticity
Upon reaching a certain age, our skin loses some of its properties, loses its elasticity, density, subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, elastic fibers are destroyed, muscles weaken and fall. In the mirror, we see the wrong face ...
Home lip care products
Especially often there are problems with the skin of the lips in the winter. If your lips are chapped, use hydrocortisone ointment or methyluracil ointment. In this case, panthenol products also help. If you often have problems with your lips,
Buying health - an example from life
People have many desires and values, but health and beauty are the main ones. Unfortunately, they cannot be accumulated and preserved for a long time. Even if you lead an absolutely healthy lifestyle, practice yoga and special food, health
How to eat properly in winter?
How do we eat and what do we eat in autumn and winter? Our health and beauty depend on it. In the cold season, a lot of energy products are required, because it is cold outside, and the day is short, vacation is far, the mood is below average. will list
Beauty and the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is an important part of the cardiovascular system and complements the venous system. The lymphatic system takes part in the metabolism, cleanses the cells and tissues of the body, therefore, health and beauty are very important.
Useful properties of cranberries for health and beauty
In Russia, the winter is long, and in some regions it is even harsh. As you know, the skin of the face suffers at this time in the first place. How to help? Let's remember the cranberries ...
Autumn and plasma lifting procedure
Autumn is beautiful, especially in September - early October. It is still warm, and the sun is also shining brightly, the days are warm, but not so hot, the evenings are quiet and cool.This is especially felt and understood by residents of the southern regions of Russia, who are fully
Proper skin hydration
Moisturizers need to work in such a way that there is a complete relationship with the skin's own moisturizer, which is sebum, which supports the skin's protective barrier. It turns out that if our skin were absolutely healthy ...
Ylang Ylang essential oil
Essential oils are absorbed through the skin and respiratory organs. The structure of the skin allows the oils to quickly reach the circulatory system within minutes. As soon as we feel our favorite aroma, inhale its smell, at the same moment it begins
Watermelon masks and face lotions
August and September are the most watermelon times. Let's try to get the most out of watermelon, because watermelon is great not only in the kitchen. In addition, watermelon gives our skin elasticity and softness, perfectly moisturizes and tones, cleanses and even
Photoaging of the skin under sun exposure
Signs of photoaging are thickening of the stratum corneum, the appearance of age spots, and collagen degradation. Look at the faces of Australian farmers or South American Indians for a vivid illustration of photoaging.
Natural scrubs at home
What is the first step to glowing skin? Regular exfoliation is an important part of your skin care system. How is this possible when there is not enough time, and maybe money? You can achieve the same results as in the spa if


